South American Birds

Personal Project


A drawing of a Magellanic Penguin, one of my favourites.

A picture of a bird, long beaked and purple, a Plumbeous Rail lurking in the undergrowth..

An image of a punky looking red headed bird, the Magellanic Woodpecker.

An illustration of a pair of Red-legged Cormorants, sitting on a sea cliff.

A drawing of a rather startled looking bird of prey.

An image of a hummingbird with a very long beak.

An illustration of a small heron hunting for fish.

A series of personal illustration of some of the birds I saw whilst travelling around South America. One day I’d like have time to draw all 171 species… 1. Golden Bellied Grosbeak (Peru). 2. Magellanic Penguin (Argentina). 3. Plumbeous Rail (Argentina). 4. Magellanic Woodpecker (Argentina). 5. Red-legged Cormorant (Chile) 6. Southern Caracara (Everywhere). 7. Sparkling Violetear (Peru). 8. Striated Heron (Peru).