Insurance Infographics

Zurich Insurance Group


A line drawing isometric infographic of a house exterior, with cut-outs showing rooms inside highlighting areas where, for insurance purposes, there is the potential for water leaks.

An isometric infographic illustrating a night time scene of a car crash, for a feature about what to do if you’re involved in an accident.

An isometric infographic of an office block exterior, with cut-outs highlighting areas inside where, for insurance purposes, there is a high fire risk.

A line drawing isometric infographic of a house exterior, with cut-outs showing rooms inside highlighting areas where, for insurance purposes, there is the potential for water ingress.


A series of interactive isometric infographics created for Zurich Insurance Group, highlighting potential insurance problems with 1. Smart Technology. 2. Water Leaks. 3. Car Accidents 4. Fire Risks 5. Water Ingress.